Praise and Curry Night

Praise & Pie has evolved!
Join us instead for a Praise and Curry Night
with the New Scottish Hymns Band
Ednam Village Hall
11th April 2025, 7:30-9pm

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Previously – Borderlands Men’s Christian Conference 2023

The first Borderlands Men’s Christian Conference took place in Kelso on 23rd September. The theme was ‘Being Light and Salt in a Changing World’.

We heard from two distinguished guest speakers. Rev. Tommy MacNeil joined us in Kelso for the day and Prof. John Lennox joined by live video link. A panel of Borderers from a range of occupations joined Tommy to talk about their experiences and challenges with being light and salt in practice. Facilitated round table discussions allowed all participants to engage as they wished in smaller groups.

Previously - Borderlands Men's Christian Conference 2023